Contributing to a strong work ethic in Stephenville is the city's rural roots. Many residents in the area have a tradition of hard work and self-sufficiency, often working in agriculture or other labor-intensive industries. This work ethic is passed down through generations and ingrained in the local culture.
Stephenville is home to several universities and colleges, including Tarleton State University and Ranger College, which contribute to a culture of learning and personal growth. Tarleton State confers an average of 2,750 undergraduate degrees each year, and several hundred students finish their certificate programs at Ranger College each year. Many students and graduates are motivated to work hard and succeed in their careers, which translates into a strong work ethic among the city's workforce.
Finally, Stephenville's location in Texas plays a role in its strong work ethic. Texas is known for its pro-business climate and its emphasis on self-reliance and individualism. These values are reflected in the local workforce and contribute to a culture of hard work and determination.